
Fred Putnam, Jr.
179 Town Farm Road
Brandon, VT 05733
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (802) 247-3323
Website: http://www.countryblossomshoney.com/
Where to buy: Phone and email orders Morningside Bakery, Brandon, VT; LeClair Acres Farmstand, 130 Piper Hill Road, Claremont, NH; Kamuda's Country Market, Pittsford, VT; Crossman's General Store, Middletown Springs, VT; and Facebook Marketplace. We have a simple no-contact pick-up process in Brandon and we ship anywhere in the U.S.
Products sold: Several seasonal varieties of raw, unfiltered honey 100% produced by our own local Vermont colonies. We have both liquid and crystallized honey available in various-sized jars. We carry creamed honey year-round plus beeswax and beeswax specialty candles. Cut comb honey is available seasonally.

"Our honey is straight from the hives just as the bees made it."